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Dostupné kurzy

Touch of Puppet Therapy (Dotek terapie loutkou) – kurz 1

Časová náročnost: Trvání 6 hodin
Poplatek: Zdarma

V online kurzu si projdete několik příkladů využití loutek v terapii. Absolvujete online zkoušku, abyste se ujistili, že rozumíte a postupujete na další úroveň. Absolventi tohoto kurzu budou mít solidní znalosti v této oblasti.

Tento kurz je zdarma, stačí se zaregistrovat a vrhnout se do něj.

Moreno institut EU

World of Puppet Therapy (Svět terapie loutkou) – kurz 2

Časová náročnost: 3× 45 minut, prezenční
Max. studentů: 30
Cena: 89 EUR

Absolvovali jste kurz "Dotek terapie loutkou" a zjistili jste, že je toho mnohem víc, co můžete prozkoumat. Pokračujte ve svých odborných znalostech a pochopte více díky své životní zkušenosti s loutkovou terapií.

Deep in Puppet Therapy (Ponořeni v terapii loutkou) – kurz 3

Časová náročnost: 5 dní
Max. studentů: 13
Cena: 890 EUR

Uskuteční se v Praze 11. až 15. července 2024: 890 EUR

V předchozích dvou kurzech jsme se seznámili s dávnou historií loutek a jejich důležitou rolí v zábavě, vyprávění příběhů, politice a společnosti.  Mohli jsme se zamyslet nad jejich využitím u dětí i dospělých ke sdělování pocitů, ilustraci vztahů a externalizaci našich bojů.  Loutka nám vždy pomáhá osvobodit myšlenky a pocity, které se obtížně vyjadřují přímými slovy.  Loutka nemusí mluvit, ale může se pohybovat, gestikulovat, vydávat zvuky a třeba se ponořit do sklíčenosti nebo radostně tančit.

Kindergarten Teachers & Puppet Therapy

Duration: 3× 45 minutes Live lesson + 30 min. individual consultation
Max. students: 13
Fee: 150 EUR

We will teach you to build simple puppets and to understand their psychology. Passing this course will better understand what, why, and how kids use puppets.

Masters of Puppet Therapy

Duration: 4× 4 days + 30 min. individual consultation
Max. students: 10
Fee: 10 790 EUR

We will introduce you to the puppet Prague. You will make your own puppet, which we will teach you how to use. You will play in a world-famous puppet theatre in a live performance. We will show you the most valuable historical collection of puppets and many other surprises. All this with the participation of the greatest personalities of contemporary puppetry in the Czech Republic.

You will understand deeply why the puppet has always fascinated human beings and how to use it in therapeutic work at every level.

In addition to the study part, you will practice puppet therapy on real clients.


4 x 4 days
Your questions being answered
Your case training
Certificate Master in PT Enroll

Puppet Therapy Conference

Duration: 8–10th of May 2025
Destination: Český Krumlov
Fee: 150 EUR

Conference about using Puppet as a therapy tool.

With many experienced experts in the field, we will discuss the topic of the impact of puppets on human life, the awareness of the use of puppets as a tool for communication and therapy.

Build a hand-carved marionette in just a week

The course is suitable for beginners and advanced carvers. In one week you will gain basic knowledge of woodcarving and the technology of building a puppet on thread.

Learn the craft

Compared to the week-long course, you’ll taste everything to the core. In addition to woodcarving techniques, you will learn how to care for your chisels and choose the right wood. The two-week training will make you a carver capable of really understanding the practicalities of this craft.

The basics of carving with your Totem creation

It will bring you to the world of wood hand-carving and straight at the beginning you will taste the most exciting work – carving a head and assembling a totem puppet. During the course, you will learn to unleash your inner creativity into a mass of wood. Totem puppets can be used in our Puppet Therapy courses.

Consult your project with Petr Puppeteer

Duration: 0.5 hour lesson
Students: 1:1
Fee: 50 EUR

Need to consult your project?

Petr has great experience in the building of marionette puppets, ventriloquist puppets & robotic puppets. He is exceedingly oriented and experienced in building marionette controllers and stringing. He has built several marionette illusionary window theatres and has professionally operated marionettes in theatres and TV commercials.

Baby Bonnie Dancing Marionette

Duration: 4+2 hour lesson
Students: max 12
Fee: 290 EUR

Make & Learn to Dance

In the course, you will paint, assemble, and string a marionette from parts. You will learn all the basic tricks to make your own dancing performance.

Mini Anymator Marionette building

Duration: 1.5-hour lesson
Students: 12
Fee: 150 EUR

Making a genuinely functional marionette

Make your own “ANYMATOR” marionette with the leading experienced instructors/puppeteers & discover the magic of puppeteering in 6 hours.

Material for assembly & Refreshment included

We will show you how to build your “ANYMATOR” marionette from ready-made parts. We will varnish the puppet and also create threads for ideal movement. Of course, we will explain how it works and everything you can do with your marionette.

Anymator Marionette building

Duration: 4+2 hour lesson
Students: 12
Fee: 290 EUR

Making a truly functional marionette

Make your own “ANYMATOR” marionette with the leading experienced instructors/puppeteers & discover the magic of puppeteering in 6 hours.

We will show you how to build your “ANYMATOR” marionette from ready-made parts. We will varnish the puppet and also build threads for ideal movement. Of course, we will explain how it works and everything you can do with your marionette.

Consult your performance with Blanka Lunakova

Send us a message to talk about how Blanka can help you.
Price agreement

Have a look at your performance from a proffesional point of view

Superstar of the puppet world, Blanka has performed in countless performances in the famous Divadlo Alfa and traveled as a puppet lector around the world to teach puppet performing and how to make puppet theatre. She is very keen to share her expertise with you!

String & Operate Marionette Puppet

Duration: 3+3 hour lesson
Students: max 6
Fee: 70 EUR

3 additional video lessons & Refreshment included

Understanding the principles of stringing and operating a string puppet

In a couple of hours, you will learn the basic balancing and universal principles of string marionette, how the weight distribution works, and how to make basic movements with the puppet. You will understand a little bit about thinking while playing and the principles of phrasing.

String & Operate Marionette Puppet

3 video lessons
How to string a marionette
How to make basic moves
How to make small rehersal

Fee: 5 EUR

Understanding principles of stringing and operating of a string puppet

I  couple of videos you will learn basic principles of balancing universal string marionette, how the weight distribution works and how to make basic movements with the puppet. You will understand a little bit behind the thinking while playing and principles of phrasing.