In cooperation with the Moreno Institute in Stuttgart and world-famous personalities with profound experience in using puppets as a therapeutic tool, we have creates courses teaching this phenomenon. This project is supported by the Europe Union Erasmus program.

Touch of Puppet Therapy – Course 1

App. Duration: 6 hours
Fee: Free

In the online course, you will pass through several examples of how to use puppets in therapy. You will pass the online exam to make sure you understand the proceed to the next level. Absolvents of this course will have a solid knowledge in the area.

This course is free of charge, just register and jump in.

Moreno institut EU

World of Puppet Therapy – Course 2

Duration: 3× 45 minutes Live lesson
Max. students: 30
Fee: 89 EUR

You have passed the "Touch of Puppet Therapy" course and you have found out that there is much more to be explored. Continue your expertise and understand more with your life Puppet Therapy experience.

Deep in Puppet Therapy – Step 3

Duration: 5 days
Max. students: 13
Fee: 890 EUR

Will happen in Prague 11–15 th of July 2024: 890 EUR

In the previous two stages, we learned about the ancient history of puppets and their vital roles in entertainment, storytelling, politics, and society.  We have been able to reflect on their application with children and adults to communicate our feelings, illustrate our relationships, and externalize our struggles.  The puppet always helps us free thoughts and feelings that are difficult to put into direct words.  The puppet does not have to speak but can move, gesture, make sounds,  and maybe sink into gloom or dance joyfully.

Kindergarten Teachers & Puppet Therapy

Duration: 3× 45 minutes Live lesson + 30 min. individual consultation
Max. students: 13
Fee: 150 EUR

We will teach you to build simple puppets and to understand their psychology. Passing this course will better understand what, why, and how kids use puppets.

Masters of Puppet Therapy

Duration: 4× 4 days + 30 min. individual consultation
Max. students: 10
Fee: 10 790 EUR

We will introduce you to the puppet Prague. You will make your own puppet, which we will teach you how to use. You will play in a world-famous puppet theatre in a live performance. We will show you the most valuable historical collection of puppets and many other surprises. All this with the participation of the greatest personalities of contemporary puppetry in the Czech Republic.

You will understand deeply why the puppet has always fascinated human beings and how to use it in therapeutic work at every level.

In addition to the study part, you will practice puppet therapy on real clients.


4 x 4 days
Your questions being answered
Your case training
Certificate Master in PT Enroll

Puppet Therapy Conference

Duration: 8–10th of May 2025
Destination: Český Krumlov
Fee: 150 EUR

Conference about using Puppet as a therapy tool.

With many experienced experts in the field, we will discuss the topic of the impact of puppets on human life, the awareness of the use of puppets as a tool for communication and therapy.